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Automatic Delivery: Why Should I Sign up?

signing up for automatic propane delivery southeastern massachusetts northern rhode island

Why mess with managing your heating oil deliveries or propane deliveries when you can have our experts do it for FREE?

You read that right: there’s no catch or costs to automatic delivery from W.H. Riley & Son – just no-cost peace of mind. Here’s how it works:

How automatic delivery works:

  • Our delivery and customer service teams use special software to estimate how much fuel you are likely to use based on your past bills and the current weather (measured in “degree days” – more on that in a future blog); if you have recently become a W.H. Riley customer, we will estimate your usage based on local averages for a home your size.
  • Your fuel delivery will be scheduled when your tank is about one-quarter full.

That’s it! With automatic delivery from W.H. Riley & Son, you reduce the likelihood of a fuel runout dramatically, and you won’t have to remember to schedule a delivery. You will also get priority delivery service over will-call customers – a big plus during severe New England weather.

With all those great benefits, you’re probably wondering why we offer automatic delivery for free. It’s simple: automatic delivery is free because it helps everyone, including you, our other customers, and us. With fewer emergencies, we can design efficient delivery routes, which means more people get on-time deliveries every day.

Automatic fuel delivery from W.H. Riley & Son – free peace of mind

A fuel run-out is a costly and potentially dangerous mistake. With automatic delivery, you can drastically reduce the odds of having one while also saying goodbye to the hassles and headaches of managing your propane or heating oil deliveries. What’s not to like?

Don’t risk a heating oil or propane run-out – sign up for FREE automatic delivery from W.H. Riley & Son and get reliable fuel deliveries in northern RI and southeastern MA! Contact us today for details.