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Prepare Your Propane Tank for the Summer

A Seasonal Care Reminder

summer propane massachusetts

Summer is finally here! That means certain things are now at the forefront of your mind as you and your family seek to have a fun and safe summer. Just as it’s important to remember to apply sunscreen and talk about water safety when you head to the beach, lake, or pool, there are also a few things to think about when it comes to your propane tank during the summer months.

As far as home comfort appliances go, propane tanks are relatively low maintenance. And if you’ve already signed up for W.H. Riley’s convenient automatic delivery plan, you no longer have to check your propane tank gauge regularly. But there are a few things you should do this summer to care for your propane tank and protect our delivery workers.

Propane Tank Summer Care

Now that summer is here, you should do the following things to care for your propane tank and ensure that it will run safely all summer long.

  • Clean up. Make sure our delivery workers will have safe and easy access to your propane tank’s fill valve without risk of tripping or getting bitten or stung. Trim back branches and bushes. Clear away nests that may have been built near the tank or under its lid. Keep the tank itself clear of clutter and debris. Make sure there is a clear path to the fill valve so that we can deliver your propane safely.
  • Look for rust. Rust is an issue that needs to be addressed immediately because corrosion causes leaks.
  • Fill up. If you’re not one of our automatic delivery customers, it’s important to keep monitoring your propane tank’s level and request a delivery before you have less than ¼ of a tank left. Prices tend to drop during the summer months, so it’s usually a good time to fill your tank. Keeping a full tank will also ensure all of your propane appliances have all the propane they need to work for you and your family and help you to get the most out of your Massachusetts home.

Stay Safe

More of the family tends to be in and around the home during the summer, so now is a good time for everyone to get a refresher on propane safety. Click here for some important propane safety tips.

You Can Count on W.H. Riley & Son

W.H. Riley & Son has been meeting the fuel needs of Southeastern Massachusetts since 1873. We pride ourselves on providing our residential and commercial customers with the highest-quality fuels and the 2 highest standards of safety and service.

Contact W.H. Riley & Son today to request a propane delivery or to learn more about the services we offer.